Dumb stories ,about your first car...

My first car was a 71 Charger with a 383 magnum. One of my first solo drives was to the gas station. I had to back into the spot at the pump because there was another car fueling at the next station
Trying to be a cool I revved the engine as I attempted to put the car in park. Of course, it was still in reverse. Laid down some rubber and backed over the car behind me.
That poor car (Toyota or Mazda) took some serious damage. I remember the hood had flattened out from the rear end of the charger coming over it. I am sure there was other damage
The section under the rear bumper of my car was dented and that was all
My dad was less than happy and the insurance agent financially sodomized me for the next 2 years until I was able to get different insurance (off my parents plan)
Never crashed that car again (came close a couple of times)