State vehicle inspection, tire specific

It would help to know what state you're talking about.

And don't waste your time calling the cops on the matter. I've had a few arguments with cops who think they know inspection law. As they wanted to argue with me I pulled out my inspection license and they shut up real quick. Call a licensed inspection station and ask.

Here in NY tire size and rating doesn't matter for inspection, just the general condition of the tire. Tread can't be worn down to less than 2/32" on adjacent tread, no "foreign objects" in the tire, no cord showing.

Personally, I won't run P-rated tires on a pick up. Even my half tons get C-rated LT's and a 3/4 ton damned sure should get E-rated LT's. Something that's rated for towing and hauling. Every 3/4 ton comes out of the factory with E-rated. If you overload P-rated tires, as people have a tendency to do with trucks, you'll have a side wall flex that will make taking curves feel like the *** in on ice.