knee replacement

Just had both knees done and its much worse than I expected. Anybody else have theirs done and want to share experiences good or bad?

had mine done and it is so much better because i can do things again but now need to spine surgeries (nothing to to do with the knee)

do what the therapists say and as hard as it is do the work they as when they are not there. PT is the key to the success of healing and future mobility. So look at it like a full time job and in the whole scheme of things you are only with therapists part time. so it will hurt and be frustration but work hard to have the best possible outcome

I had my surgery on a Monday then came home on Thursday and stopped all pain meds on Saturday. i spent many nights for weeks awake in the chair in pain because i could not sleep but i hate meds.

it is frustrating when you cant even lift ur own leg two inches off the bed but be patient. you will find the upper leg muscles will take the longest because the quad is a very big much needed muscle and they have to cut right through it for the surgery and it will take the most work/time to get that muscle up and running again.get yourself some really really good knee pads because even after a couple years it still hurts me to kneel on the bed let alone a hard surface.

you will find that balance is an issue once you start to walk on it without the aid of a walker or crutches and not just because of strength but also because of the fact that it takes awhile for the brain to make a connection with the new knee. I laughed at first when the therapist told me that bit the brain knows where in space all the body parts are at all times and when that is disrupted it takes awhile to remake that connection

for me it was a good day when i got rid of my walker and even better when i got rid of my crutches. But it was a glorious day and i jumped for joy the day i got rid of my raised toilet seat lol

hang in there man it sucks but as long as you had a good doctor and you follow the rules you will be better in the end.