knee replacement

we have a couple we go south with each year....he's 77 years old and has had a bad knee for a few years now.
last winter (2014) when we went to Cuba he had a knee brace and his mobility was very limited and sitting during the 4 hour flight was hard on him.
In January of 2015 he had a half knee replacement (didn't know they did this) and by March they called us and wanted to book a trip....he said it was the best he's ever felt and during the trip it was amazing the difference, walks on the beach, stair steps, etc.

he's a very active man at home, goes in the woods, runs a sawmill, handles logs, etc and it was an amazing moral boost as well, like a new lease on life, actually visited them last night, drank some dark rum and enjoyed some cards

hang in there, it gets much better