5500 Stall Converter Cruising (Video)

are you running a manual VB? One thing I noticed was the rpm drops between shifts(it appears), when not nailing it, looked like no rpm change. Do you feel positive shifts driving normal?

Yes it's a manual VB and I do feel more positive shifts at higher rpm (3000 ish) vs softer shifts at around 2000 rpm. Towards the end of the video where I put the caption "2nd", you could barely tell it really shifted at that rpm but the rpm stays about constant and the mph will go up typically. The higher the rpm, the more positive the shift, which is what I would expect with this high of a stall converter. I personally like the softer shifts at low rpm. I don't know why people want to feel a hard shift at low rpm, jerking every time. That seems like it would get annoying, but that's just me. I wanted a car that felt docile cruising town and then becomes an animal on the throttle.

But I really just wanted to show folks that these newer high stall converters really aren't bad at all driving on the street (plus the spool). With the trans cooler, temps haven't been a problem yet either.