'1967' 440/375 HP and 440/350 HP Comparison

What do you think the C.R. would be on a 69 375 hp version if you took 0.030 off of the
heads? (cause that's what we did back in the day)

According to Dick Maxwell

A '1969' 440/375 HP with a properly decked block to {NHRA Specs}
Piston Depth > {-.027"}

And with the #2843906 Cylinder Heads CC'd to {79.5}.

The 'net' Compression Ratio would be ............ 10.79 - 1


You have to Mill the #2843906 'Open Chamber' Cylinder Head {.0042"} per CC.

If you're 'Milling {.030"}, you will reduce the Combustion Chamber by {7.1 CC's}.

On a 'Mopar 440' > 1 CC = .11 Gain in Compression.

Equation ...... 7.1 CC's x .11 = .781 in Compression Gain