This 3-speed trans is gonna have to go...

LOL...I can tell there's a lot more V8 guys on this board than on another one where this same discussion came up once before. Over there it was essentially "yeah column-shifted 3-speeds suck and even more when low is clash".

Over here it's been much more "Oh we're men and we can drive anything no matter how much it sucks"except we don't actually own one of those and

"we always used to double-clutch and unstick linkages in the middle of intersections" that was then, nobody willingly does it now and..

"are you too much of a wuss to drive that??? You need a modern easy to drive vehicle instead?" like my Dodge Ram/SUV/Challenger/wife's Honda she lets me drive

Anyway like I said I've just been enjoying seeing if I could get people to defend something that really isn't that great:D