Starts, then doesn't start, then starts again.

Check starting (cranking) and running voltage at the coil +

Wiggle the 'ell out of the ignition connectors------the main one on the ECU which you must unscrew, the ballast, and ESPECIALLY the one for the distributor pickup. Inspect them visually with a light for corrosion, and "feel" for tightness.

As above, check the dist. connection.

"Next time" it does this be prepared.

"What you need" for troubleshooting...........

A multimeter, a 12V test lamp, a spark gap spark checker, and some clip leads. And a factory shop manual. You can download several years free at MyMopar

Next time it won't start, turn key to "run" and check both coil terminals.

Coil + should be anywhere from 5-9V or so If it's way lower, or way higher, problem

Coil - should be very low, perhaps 1/2 or 1 volt. Very high means the ECU is not conducting

The ECU MUST be grounded. MUST Scrape it and firewall clean, use star washers. Same for voltage regulator!!!

Again with key on, "rig" your spark test gap, and disconnect the distributor connector. Take the end NOT going to the distributor and touch the bare prong to ground. You should get 1 spark each time you do this.

Hook the two distributor terminals to your multimeter. Set it for low AC yes AC volts, and crank the engine. You should get about 1V AC "generated" by the pickup.

Inspect the pickup area for rust, debri, strike damage, shaft wobble. Set the gap for .008" (inches not metric) as mentioned above. Inspect the cap and rotor for spark damage, grease, dirt, moisture, etc.