Thank the Lord I don't HAVE to use an Android

10 bucks has nothing at all with how it performs

Yes, yes it does... Might as well say "$700 has nothing to do with why this small block doesn't make 500hp"

Technology marches on, and the needed power to do anything increases daily, including browsing the www. Also, the cheap tablets out there, regardless of size, use components that wear out faster and get slower with time. It's the nature of the solid state beast...

When new, it was probably passable depending on exactly which model it is (mainstream brands being better than obviously Chinese names). Now that it's got miles on it, it's broken down and useless. I still use my 2013 model Nexus 7 day-to-day and while it's not quite as fast as my year-newer phone, it works well. My 2012 nexus 7 didn't fare as well and was near useless much more rapidly. For the price, they were both worth it.