paint vs vinyl wrap

so ive been looking at getting my '73 duster done in plum crazy when i got all my body work dont. now i saw someone down in california do a full wrap on a new gen charger with detailed pictures, and i saw another company do a matte plum crazy wrap of a duster funny car and that looked great too. the people that wrapped the duster also gave the name of the vinyl that they used so im picking some of it up from a sign shop by me to see what it looks like in person. now i was wondering if vinyl wrapping is able to compete with a high quality paint job. i love the look at a high quality plum crazy paint job but vinyl is cheaper, takes less time to apply and the one that is making me lean twords a wrap it is stronger than a paint job(like it wont chip as compared to a traditional paint job). has anyone on here had their car wrapped? i would love to hear from people that have messed with vinyl so i cal lean more about it.