Computer Virus Help Needed

So I have Norton 2015 Security. Would it protect me from this type of invasion?

Probably not, as I have seen plenty of them infected with that same virus. (Norton of every version you can think of)

There is a program out there called Crypto Prevent, but it's pretty new so who knows if it actually works yet.
It essentially locks those parts of the system down to prevent the virus from doing what it needs/wants to do.
Of course the same could be done manually also by changing the permissions and policies for those same system files, but who want's to go through all that when there is a program that can do and undo it with a click of a button, (If it actually works) :-)

If you wanted to install a new program for example, that would all have to be undone and then redone after.

There are all kinds of precautions we could take but nothing is 100%
Same with removal of these little buggers (Nothing gets them all) so we have to use multiple programs and even some manual removal of bad files if needed.