Bottle prices....

Superior Welding in my town won't even refill bottles from other companies. You lease them only. I would imagine they do it that way for safety and liability reasons. tmm
Oxarc explained the whole bottle daring/rental thing to me. Showed them some pictures of a set I am looking at, bottles were purchased set. Spoke to the seller, he told me they were last filled 7 or so years ago. Fellow at Oxarc also told me that if they were purchased from them they tend to not worry so much about the date, that even if the date on temperature is 4 or 5 years overdue they will swap them out. They charge $24 for the hydrotest, so even if the bottles are out of date it is much cheaper than getting new bottles.
Asked about rental, they do a credit check. Thanks to the disaster that happened when I was forced from the USPS my credit is horrible.

Been looking at a neighbors set up. Jim offered to let me borrow it, but the bottles are just about empty. He offered to sell it to me, both bottles and a Victor style torch, complete with cart. I hate borrowing and lending tools...