knock in engine

I gotta say. You know when you got something sounding bad (knock knock) its not a wise move to continue to run it in an attempt to diagnosis it. It can quickly go from a bad bearing to a burned journel to a hole in the block. That's mo' money. And nobody wants to spend more than necessary.

the "runs" ive been referring to are short 30 second runs every time after I tried something someone suggested might have been the issue (removing the belts for instance to see if its the water pump)
from the moment I noticed the knock I've babied her home and she hasn't left the driveway since

I heard that squeek-squeek one time. I pulled the car into the garage and went over it with a stethoscope. Engine was idling.Then it just quit. Pulled the pan and found #2 rod bearing was sticking to the crank and finally spun in the cap and locked it up.
Thats what happens when you run the crap out of your 340, while 2 qts low on oil.

that is the plan no, get the engine out, pan off and inspect the rods
ive proven to myself that I don't know how to reseal the oil pan with the engine in the car so I knew if I pulled the pan I would have to pull the engine...even if it turned out NOT to need major surgery

the oil level has always been kept in check, though with the 8 quart pan, running 2 quarts low is still 6 quart