1969 Dart Street/Strip (Re)Build

Damn that sounds awesome! Did you leave at a dead stop or rolling? I can't get this car to hook from a dead stop. I'm still spinning tires to 80mph! I don't know if it's because the 4 link is jacked up or what. Really gotta get that fixed. I'm always rolling with my GoPro ready but never ever do I run into any car worth running against.

We did it both ways. Was from a dead stop first. I had to pedal it just a bit out of the gate. Once I grabbed second.... Was over for that clown.

Second time was at a roll just at the top of 1st gear. On that one I shifted into second and grabbed the juice at the same time! Last I seen of him til we got down the road a bit. He gave a thumbs up and headed off in a different direction.

My car is weighed & scaled and the suspension tuned by Pete Johnson he is my buddy who helped me with the cage and ladder bar set up. The ladder bar hooks like a Mo Fooo!! It usually lightly hazes the tires and then you can feel it BAM..... Hooks , depends on the condition of the street. At a roll like I explained above, it does the same thing. Hazes a bit on the juice in second and you hear and feel it BAM...... starts moving like a freight train.