KH Discs vs 73+ Discs

Well, by that instruction, I guess my KHers should be seized by now.
The system is supposed to be sealed(mine is), and with the correctly sized reservoirs there is no need to ever open it unless it develops a leak.And if it leaks, its the best time for a flush.I wouldnt run anything but silicon.
But then, I run straight water(with additive pkg) in my cooling system too;contrary to common/popular thinking. I have no brake issues, and no cooling issues either.
Again, just my 2cents

BTW; that "bath-tub ring of rust on the bottom of the reservoir",should tell you something, along with having to replace "nearly all of the hydraulics".Without having seen it I would hesitate to offer an opinion, other than, I highly doubt it had anything to do with silicon fluid.