Venting Frustration

This is bullchit.The crap people do even at church. Makes ya wanna live far in the wood and shoot anyone whom tresspasses.

LOL. I did exactly that when I got fed up with living next to losers and assholes. Best thing I ever did for my health.

I too have suffered the dreaded vandalizers mark twice. Had someone put their gravel laden shoe on my rear bumper (Why? Tying their shoe or just leaning on my car with their foot resting on the bumper?) looks like they dragged it backward with heavy pressure and it scratched the hell out of my otherwise perfect bumper. You can still see part of the shoe print on the chrome.
The second mark is on my roof. Looks like someone put a purse or something on top then dragged it off. I tried to buff that one out but I can still see the 12" long scratch that went deep into the clear coat.

My blood is boiling now so I have to go calm down.