Venting Frustration

We can guess who and why forever. What we must know for fact is the car we drive doesn't look like thousand others in our area. Zero guesswork in that.
So if someone cuts us off or crosses to close in traffic we should refrain from the typical horn blowing figure flipping reaction. To put on a huge smile and gesture "sure come right on through" like an usher aint easy but it can be done. To blow them a kiss really messes with their mind.
It's not that the person is carrying a grudge and weapon in search of cussing finger flipping us or our car. It's more along the lines of, "Hey, there's the one that flipped me off the other day. Stop right here just a minute".
I do hope your outcome is lemons turned to lemonade. New glass along with new guides, fuzzies, etc.. could be really sweet.

Funny you say that....last week I took my wives car to go pick up the kids and sure enough I'm getting tailgated the whole way down the road by some idiot woman who is speeding. I try to move over to let her by but nooooo she just wants to ride my ***. So we get to the red light and I put it in park and took off my seat belt so I could turn around. Keep in mind I'm in the wifes convertible. So I get ready to say something and she just goes nutso. Waving her arms around and screaming at me. I let her simmer down then I (LOUDLY AND WITH RAGE FACE) told her if she didn't get off my *** I would remove her windshield with my foot. I then proceed to tell her she is driving dangerously (With toddler in car) and she needs to slow down. Of course she fails to understand why driving like **** and tailgating are a bad thing so she continues to cuss me out. Thankfully the light turned green and I took off and she didn't tailgate me any more.

When I got home I warned my wife to look out for a crazy ***** in a silver audi and if she encountered one to just keep on going and not to engage her.