Venting Frustration

Normally we always leave our cars unattended and honestly nothing has ever happened. Seems like when were around the cars is when the assholes come around. You know the type, they look at your car, make some snide comment to their buddies about it then proceed to put their greazy hands on the door and lean way into your car. Their disgusting sweat drips onto your interior but your trying to be cool so you bite your tongue.

You ask them politely not to touch it and they give you that sideways look like they don't quite understand the concept right before they sulk off, pissed that you said something to them.

Those are the assholes that come back around later. I caught one jacking with a car a couple places down from our spot a few years back. He was leaning into the car and was trying to remove the shift knob off the dudes 4 speed mustang. I got up and walked over pretending to look at it and scared him off.

Some people have huge balls and no brains I tell ya.