Venting Frustration

Funny you say that....last week I took my wives car to go pick up the kids and sure enough I'm getting tailgated the whole way down the road by some idiot woman who is speeding.

i live on a rather busy street and right in the middle of my driveway is a stormdrain
not a problem when im coming from the west because the center turning lane gives me enough room to turn into my driveway without hitting that drain
but everytime i come from the east i put my blinker out to the RIGHT where my driveway is, then slightly swerve to the left, into the turning lane so i can enter my driveway at the perfect angle which allows me to not hit the storm drain at all

doesnt matter what car im in, that is the procedure
i KNOW the turn signals work on ALL my vehicles and i know i use them EVERYTIME
and yet, about 3 out of 10 times this moves pisses off the person behind me

most of the times i ignore them but yesterday i wasnt having a great day to begin with and i actually sat halfway in my driveway considering if i should park, get out of my car and check to see if my indicator (which was still on) was properly working

luckily, cooler heads prevailed