Wideband O2 sensor ("shoulda bought this years ago")

Their great for dual quads, make summit price match e bay or Amazon - I got mine for $156 !!
I think it went something like - can you match amazon at $162 ? Summit says - I see it on e bay for $156?
I'LL TAKE IT !! My credit card number is......

Ah that's a great idea, $70+ off would have been really nice dangit! lol

So my 'hypothesis' was confirmed; I changed to one size smaller primary jets and the mixture went up to around 17:1 at cruise and a bit under 13:1 under power. I was astonished that my 360 took it with only slight complaining; it had a noticeable "semi-bog" at light throttle and surged a tad. I popped in slightly thinner (cruise circuit) metering rods and while it's still not as crisp off-idle as before the driveability is basically the same. I'm not worried about losing a bit of power either because I have another carb (750 Mighty Demon) which will be tuned strictly for performance and I'll use that when I want to go racing.

A pic of the sensor in the exhaust, instructions specify it's placed at least 24 inches back from the header collector...

And here's the sensor wire routed up along the firewall, I simply cut a small hole in the rubber plug for the clutch linkage hole (mine is automatic) and fed it through there.