
With number 1 on TDC compression stroke it should be pointing at the front driver side intake bolt.

What I'm trying to explain to you, if you do that, drop that dizzy in, it won't be firing on #1, as the rotor is clocked differently in the Skip White as opposed to a factory dizzy. It simply won't run.

You need to adjust the drive gear OR move the plug wires to different posts so it will.

Put both distributors side by side and compare the relationship of the rotor to the spade on both, you should see the difference.

And..........I thought I already explained that.

THROW the distributor in blindfolded.............

BRING the timing marks up "on compression" to "where you want timing" IE 10-15 BTC

PLUG the numbhawa whaone plug wire in wherever the rotor points.

The point?

Doesn't matter where the dist drive gear "is"

Doesn't matter where the distributor "points"

All that matters is..........no1 is ready to fire (compression)

timing marks are set where you want

and no1 plug wire plugged into where the rotor is.