Help make this go viral please....

PM me a paypal account.

This past Christmas my son and I heard a cat crying and we finally localized it to the house across the street. Our neighbors were gone for the holidays and I knew they did not have a cat. Turns out the cat had gotten into our neighbors crawl space when he had the door open before he left town. Luckily my neighbor does not lock his crawl space. My son opened the door and out ran a very tired, hungry and dehydrated cat. 7 days our neighbors had been gone. He immediately snuggled and cried with joy for being rescued. We gave him some food and called the local neighborhood cat rescuer. (Gotta love the social space) She picked the cat up and go it to the area cat rescue vet. The cat did have a chip. The family was located. They had dumped the cat in our neighborhood. The vet seriously considered reporting them for pet abandonment. Anyway we now have a healthy, fat, and loving cat. Which I swore after our last one died we would never have again.

So let me know where to send some help your way....
