Rookie needs guidance for compression test

What you are looking for is uniformity between all cylinders. That is, the same number for each cylinder +/- 10%. This percentage figure varies by mechanic, maintenance book, and engine type. So if all six were in a range of 125 - 135 psi generally that would be a good engine but so would a test range of 90 - 100 psi. The smaller the variation between the best and worst cylinder, the better your engine condition is generally speaking. You don't need much oil in a cylinder for a wet test. You expect a wet test on an engine to show higher numbers that a dry test (again not by much). This is caused by the oil helping to seal the upper compression ring. Whatever change you see should be close across all six cylinders. If during a wet test you find a cylinder value that doesn't change you typically have a valve problem in that cylinder but there are others causes as well.