Winter time model building thread.

I've been building my way through the stash in themes, and the theme here since last August has been The Great War. With over 20 in the stash that qualify and the time it takes to rig them, I suspect I won't finish them until long after the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day and with the 1:1 projects taking up a big chunk of time, I'm not exactly off to a spectacular start. But I got through a couple so far.

First one was Gavia's 1/48 Fokker D.II. Supposed to be a replacement for the Eindecker, performance was not noticeably improved and with the Albatros series entering service the D.II fulfilled home defense and training roles. The kit was a bit rough and had issues that needed correcting but it proved to be a good start:

The next one was Lindberg's venerable old JN-4 Jenny kit. Aftermarket cockpit and wire wheels made it pop. Took twice as long to rig it as it did to build it, but I like the way it turned out:

Sopwith Tabloid and SPAD XIII on the bench now in final assembly, and next up will be a couple old Classic Airframe Morane Sauliner kits. Hopefully production will pick up as the temps cool.
