72 Duster twister with the 275 horse 340 engine?

It is obvious that if there were any of these cars made there were none available in the US. I think it is possible, from what I have seen on these posts from all the different members, that it is possible that there were 275 hp 340 cars available in 72 but for export to other countries with the exception being Canada as they might have been produced in the Canadian plant for the Canadian market only. I am also sure that if they were made they were made, it was in very limited numbers or perhaps even special orders that were never advertised but may have been available if requested but again not available in the US. There just seems to be something there and I am curious to know if there were any made and are there any still out there. As for myself I wish I still had my old Duster. We never knew what we had but back then why would we even give it a second though. If we knew then what we know now I am sure there would be more rare cars popping up all the time. Perhaps there are some members from outside the US that could chime in on this.