Will I live long enough? "Camless" engine valves

IIRC some F1 teams use pneumatic actuated valves. Koenigsegg is also developing pneumatic valves for their cars. Really cool stuff.

Yes. From the 1977 F1 season through the end of the 1.5 liter formula in 1986, Renault used them. The first three seasons were trashed because the engines grenaded with a high frequency of occurrence, earning the cars the nickname, "Yellow Teapot". By the end of the '86 season, the Renault-Gordini (Gordini = SRT in Mopar-speak) V-6 1.5 liter turbo put out 1200 horsepower and live well at 12,500 rpm. As the brilliance of what Renault was doing became evident, other major teams had a go at the pneumatic valves.