This 3-speed trans is gonna have to go...

I can continue to rub it in that nobody wants that POS of a transmission no matter HOW much crap they gave me early in this thread for complaining. I can do that. I could keep on making comments about it until someone finally says "yeah Tyler, you're right. Those things sucked, nobody liked them, and the only reason there are fond memories is that it reminds the 60-somethings of when they were 20-somethings. .

the only reason there are fond memories is that it reminds the 60-somethings of when they were 20-somethings. .

SO NOW I GET IT. YOU DON'T LIKE OLD PEOPLE and you have come on here specifically to downgrade, make fun of, and trash people just because we are old. NOW I see!!!!

No "buddy." Sorry. You are just a pathetic, bratty, inexperienced little whiney boy. You haven't been able to do some of the things that us old guys experienced, and since you can't you have to make fun of it.

Listen, little boy. Those gearboxes are what was there back then. It didn't matter (2 or 5 years one way or 'nother) whether you bought GM, Ford, or Chrysler. All of them were similar. When someone went "full syncro," then the rest eventually followed.

So far as I know Ford was first and GM ACTUALLY USED Ford gearboxes for awhile in such things as the Goats.

So see? You are just a whiney kid. Telling me I suck because I'm old is JUST LIKE telling your Dad and your Grandfather THEY suck because they are older than you.

Doesn't that make you feel GOOD? Doesn't that give you a nice warm YOUNG feeling that you KNOW so much more than your father and grandfather do?

Sadly, you have added nothing more, nothing new. You said it yourself. "To continue" that is the words you used. You came on here once and bitched. OK we get that. You said it. ONCE. But now, you are just pushing. You are just being irritating. You are not only NOT making friends here, you are losing them very quickly, if you ever had any at all.

AND you are / have lost ALL credibility. ANYONE that puts this much time into trashing the rest of us, and one easy to change component, SURELY must have problems. mental problems, perhaps. Or not enough to do? I don't know.

Hell even at my frail old age, I've managed to pull the what was a worn out transmission out of my Dart and replace it. So don't try and suggest that some of us are "has beens." I did NOT take it downtown and pay someone. I got under there, got greasy, and pulled it apart. Myself. With no help from YOU.