Would or Wouldnt cut

I used a harbor freight 8" flat jaw sheet metal pliers (flat jaw is 3 2/8" wide) with the ends rounded off. The rounded off ends keep from putting pointer dents in the metal. http://www.harborfreight.com/8-inch-flat-jaw-welding-pliers-93062.html

And I used small hammer. When I used a leather mallet, I made sure every strike I had a heavy body working dolly on the other side covered in thick cloth. Trick is to take very very small strikes and slowly work out the fold from the center.

You MUST have some hard wood or dolly on the other side of the metal or it will dimple out.

If you are going to make a cut, drill the small hole at the root of your cut. This keeps the metal from tearing and make it stronger than just slicing it.

Thanks for those tips.. Sadly its to late for me.. Now its time to figure out how to fix it..