3 Car Garage

I have a 30x40. The walls are 12 feet high with a vaulted ceiling. My Bend pak just fits the ceiling. I think you need a total of 14 feet, but double check. Minimum 8 foot doors. With 40 feet wide, I can get 3 cars wide, with some room for equipment along the walls. I can open the doors of the cars without hitting the other cars. Just like air compressors and tool boxes, Think of what the maximum size you can afford, not the smallest you can get away with. I also have a shed for parts. Garage for work, she'd for stuff that sits around. Also consider the door style. I use a standard style. I have to have the door shut when using the lift, or the car will hit it. A roll up door would have fixed that, but I didn't like the look of the roll up.