Would you notch a 727 bell that already has an inspection port in it?

Hi ID! I believe I just saw your name in some of the threads about the CKPS and the manual trans flywheels, yes?

Very interesting read! I have a 5.9 Magnum with a manual trans added on - no help to you guys though as it's on an OBD2 Jeep and uses a combination of the Dodge and Jeep stuff.
(Ram 5.9 flywheel under the 3.9 bell, connected to an NV3550)
Definitely possible- wouldn't think too many mentions into it- maybe just a handful.

I have it on pretty good authority they were 727s and heard they were probably only available on 94s, or maybe 93s and 94s. Something like that.
My buddy's got a '96 3.9 with a 904 based trans. I've seen '98 5.9 3spds and I think I may've even seen later than that too. They had the vans with 3spds into OBD2 years- only the trucks went to ODs standard with the Mags.

We did the same with the holesaw for the 904- the bell's one of the latter places that'd be on my list of worries so long as there's at least several inches between the holes.