? about raising or lowering your credit score

Guy I know has way too many cards, he uses them all the time but most get paid off monthly. But due to the total number and credit limit it lowered his score

Mine was 854 last check. I have several cards, pay my bills on time and pay off credit cards monthly

Closing cards can lower your score a few points for each one. ( anytime there is. Check into your credit changes your score) Im with the others, if there is a fee to keep the card, close it. If there isn't a fee and you can restrain from using it, hang on to it, put it in a safe at home and forget it.

Don't apply for those in store cards when you go to buy something, it will lower your score.

Have ONE CARD, use it sparingly and pay it off monthly. Really think about a purchase before buying.

I think it is BS that the insurance companies use it to rate your car insurance. Just because you have less credit rating does not mean you are a high risk driver.

One thing I read was give your cards to someone you trust, who would that be? A friend had a joint account with her mom, ( you would think you could trust your mom) well she went to get some money out of the account and mom spent it all. It was her money, mom was on the account, but her money. Mom needed money and got it all. I wouldn't trust anyone with them. Shred them, card would still be open, but not available to use. Write the numbers down and keep in safe place

It will take a while to improve your score, but it will go up slowly.