13.5V constant ouput OR regular voltage regulator???

Here's the thing. Easy. If it's "full field" then it's not regulating. He seems to got off on a tangent about grounding it. Well, all VRs have to be grounded.

It just might be that years and years of misinformation has doomed this to the dusty dark halls of "which way did they go."

The DEFINITION of a VR is "voltage regulator." It regulates VOLTAGE. So if the thing is supposed to "constantly regulate" at 13.5V, there is no real difference in the thousands of "regular" regulators.

So did Chrysler misrepresent, or mis-advertise these? NAPA does or did used to sell a look-alike that was SUPPOSED to be good quality. The way things are constantly being chineseonated, who knows what the present repuation of them are?

VR-1001, and they look surprisingly similar to the "blue" one