Help needed

Hi Guy's,

It's been awhile since I've been able to get the old bus out. Anyway last week I did manage to & I seem to have a stutter it's hard to explain but I'll try.

I do my burnout no worries stage & hit it out the hole sweet then I get a feeling like it's starving for fuel then less then a second later it's off again. I never acts up like this on the dyno

I'm sure fuel isn't the issue as I have 150gal pump with 1/2id fuel line all the way. I'm running 8psi at the reg it seems to be stable on the dyno.

I am thinking it is my ignition I run a Accel electronic dizzy with super stock coil 10mm leads. it has never given me any trouble before.

Anyway here is what I am looking at we have slowly been removing mechanical driven parts such as water pump, fuel pump engine fan all being replaced with electric items.

The car is still fitted with the original 35 AMP alternator set up here's the 100 dollar question is the alternator able to supply enough power to run all of it.

If not what alternator should I be looking at getting ???
If I need a bigger alternator will my wiring be able to handle the extra load ???

Thanks Oz