FiTech EFI system

I was contemplating the single unit, however after talking to the guy on the phone today I have changed my mind on that unit. Guy was... How do I put it, a Straight out A. Hole! All he kept saying to me is they are good for 6-8 lbs of boost, over and over again. Their site says you can get more power so I asked the question and got crucified for it. Then he says with a smaller pulley you can get a MAXXX of 10 Psi from them.

Doing more research they seem to be a good fit for a Parking lot hopper. I seen a video of a guy with the twins installed and the interviewer asks him how much boost.... Drum Roll............ 6PSI with 2 of them... That my friends is Weak as fck. Show boat crowd pleaser stuff right there. All show and no go.

Procharger to the rescue.

As usual,Louis: You did your homework....The F.I sounds good, the customer service/product research on the supercharger company sounds pathetically weak.. That f.I. sounds like a steal,time will tell...