my nephew got lucky im not his dad

My ex-wife ran out on the way home from work once, she called me and I took her some gas. Funny thing is it was less than 2 miles from home to her job, I just laughed while I dumped the gas in the 05 Chevy avalanche with a perfect gas gauge and warning light.

I had a few girls stay with us for a few months, last winter
they were the daughters or a missionary friend of ours
I think the oldest is 18, the younger is 15

I had given them the keys to the charger (with a full tank of gas) so they wouldn't need to be stuck in the house

one day they were on their way to attend my 5 year old's Christmass party at preschool and instead of pulling out of the drive to the left, they went to the right

now, that road will dead end at the lake in about 20 miles or so, but they never made it that far

it was snowing pretty bad that day and about 5 miles out of the drive the finally ran that charger dry
(I guess their dad had never taught them how to fill the tank)

it was quite the adventure for them, because they were lost and stranded in a snowstorm

if that didn't teach them I don't think anything will