Just about ready to tear into it. UPDATE

I used to add brake fluid for that.... SHHHHH!

It works,,,,,for awhile and then :wack:

You are gonna enjoy that PT KD feature. The later governed upshifts, I dunno. I was always happy to manually shift mine, plus I never liked the early auto-downshift when coming to a stop.
The access port is the best! It saved me hours of tuning.
I also didnt like the blocked accumulator, and quickly swapped in a super-stiff spring.

I'm pretty sure you are right, because I don't jump on it hard very much but I do like keeping the RPMs up rather than using lots of throttle.
Like starting into a steep little uphill at 30 in third gear, or just want a little more gear for a second or two on the freeway.
Getting the normal kickdown back and then the part throttle kickdown on top of that should give me some adjustment choices in the KD rod to get it where I like it.
I do kind of like a little compression braking when coming to a stop, or say like turning into a parking lot that has a big *** dip in the entrance (obviously doesn't really matter but I like it that way)

I am interested to see how the PTKD and the governor react together throughout the upshifting ranges, and for that reason I may very well leave the governor alone until I find out.
Man it would suck to do all that stuff and then have to open it again to do the gov mods anyway, but I guess it'd be better than having to find and wait for another gov. :D

I got it, I'll put a remote control spring behind the gov valve so I could even adjust it on the fly if I want. :D
(A "remote control spring", shees) I must be under the influence or something.

I'm m really intrigued by the Part throttle mod. Was going to add it when I was rebuilding my 727 but chickened out because of everything else I did. Please keep us informed as to your experience I want to add it once I get some money les on the car and work out the bugs.

I'll come back and report after it's done and adjustments are finalized, but it may be awhile.

Once done I would be very curious to hear how you like the kickdown.

See above. :D