so what is the best balancing method

whats the matter RRR, cant you read. I didn't say anybody was foolish. I said that the man at the tire shop said that those who said the road force was a waste of money was foolish. You need to go back and read what I posted. I don't know why it is that when someone doesn't agree with what you say, you get an attitude. I sat back and listened to what everyone said on this thread and then I decided to find out for myself whether that was the way to go. I found out a lot of things doing it this way. I feel like I made the right choice. you need to go back and read post # 62. the 3rd and 4th lines. I do appreciate all the help I have gotten here. But your attitude I don't need. You want to read stuff into what I say and tell me I am a class act, don't reply to my threads. I have had about enough of your bullshit. You may know a lot about Mopars and mechanic work but your attitude sucks. I have watched many times how you reply to people who don't know as much as you. you are very degrading sometimes and I personally don't need it nor will I accept it.