Sellin a car = bullshit

Years ago, I advertised a car for sale in the paper, then after several people looked at it but didn't want it, I changed my mind, cancelled the ad and kept the car. 2 weeks later I'm out of town on business and one of the lookers shows up unannounced with cash and tells my wife "we'll take it". She tells them I decided not to sell it, and they go ballistic on her and tell her it's illegal to do that, she has to sell it to me! She tells them to call when I am home, which they do. They chew me out for coming "all that way" with cash and not coming home with a car. I told them they should have called first. What if I'd already sold it? This woman wasn't giving up. She was going to contact my counties District Attorney! I told her to go ahead, which mad her even madder! She threatened to call my employer and let them know I was unethical. I gave her my bosses name and work phone number. She tried calling back a couple of days later and disguising her voice! When I told her I decided not to sell it, she again told me I couldn't do that since I advertised it. The funny thing was it was an old Mustang 2 hatchback, not a classic anything just an old beater, but it was for her 16 yr old son for his first car. This lady never even made an offer when she came out to look at it the first time. Some people are just crazy.