Sellin a car = bullshit

I cannot stand Year One for most things. But, they really have it right when describing the selling of cars. It does not matter one bit how much you have in your car. Labor, parts, whatever. If you think that, then you best leave it parked right where it is.

What matters is what someone is willing to pay. Period. Over and out. End of story. That's all and nothing else. If somebody is willing to give you 28K, then so be it. I haven't even looked at your ad, but from what some have said of it, it was not very good.

If you ask a premium price for something, you should be very descriptive. It does not appear yours was. I know you had that stroke and all. I know things changed for you. Maybe you might consider letting your wife help with a new ad? Just a thought. The more you describe your car and greater detail you give, the bigger chance you have of selling it.