Way over my head

just stick to your master plan and you'll be fine

this is a great place to find people who are willing to go out of their way to show you how to do these things

a while ago I posted the question "what is the best way to install the transmission onto the engine"
got a few good answers, but the best was, "you need a transmission jack, let me know when you have time and ill drop mine by and show you how to do it"

I think the key to you finding some help is being specific
I read your post a few times and honestly, I don't know what it is you are asking help with.
the interior is done, I get that.
do you need help with the engine, body work, setting up the drivetrain?

be specific and I'm sure someone will come along and teach you, or point you in the right direction

Dave is right, by the way, about those youtube videos
I must have sat in my garage and stared at a U joint for hours, trying to figure out how to tear it apart and rebuild it
one 5 minute youtube video later I got it.

there is a couple of pretty smart guys on here. ask specific questions. dart273 is electrical smart, rrr is mechanical smart !!