Way over my head

I've been in the automotive business for nearly thirty years and been involved, sometimes very deeply before that, in fact my dad was a mechanic in a Chrysler Plymouth dealership when I was born way back in 1951. I'll offer my perspective to you for whatever it's worth.

Know you limits, it will be far more cost effective for you to employ a pro when you need one. don't be the guy who is the story told of the DIY'er who went too far on his own.

Hang out with quality people who are already seasoned in what you want to learn, most people are eager to come along side a guy who is a willing learner, be careful not to be the needy guy who winds up being a giant pain in the ---- to a mentor who has limits on his time that you need to acknowledge.

Match your dreams with your budget and stay on course, changing your mind after you start will always cost you money.

There are no dumb questions, there are dumb answers, be discerning about the advice you receive. Like I said earlier, hang out with quality people. stay as far away from hacks as you can.

Have fun with your project, don't let it own you.