Pulling the Plug on Body Man

I was wondering how many people have had to pull the plug on a shop or body man when work was not getting done? I committed to this guy who I have paid to do the body work on my car about a year and a half ago. He does work out of his shop at home, and while he is a fantastic metal worker, it has gotten to the point where I am doing the work on the car and he is doing nothing. While I appreciate that these restoration projects take time, this guy just seems to be throwing out one excuse after another for why he never actually does anything on my car. Meanwhile, he is jerking the chain of another guy (who just happens to have a 68 Dart GTS) at the same time. He always tells each of us when questioned that he is too busy working on the other guys car, but he isn't actually working on either.

I have another actual professional shop that can pick up the project from here. The pain of this is, I am out some money to this body guy for work that he has not completed yet, and I am not sure he is ever going to get it done. The guy lives like he is on a shoestring as it is. He already had to close up a professional body shop that he was running because he was in over his head.

I hate that I have wasted a great deal of time and some money to get almost nowhere. But unfortunately, this is the direction I have to go.

Here is a good read: http://www.autobody101.com/content/articles/confessions-of-a-body-shop-owner/

Pretty much sums up what I've been hearing over and over with body shop horror stories like yours. You should check it out..