Pulling the Plug on Body Man

coming from a guy that does all his own work, get your car out of there and either learn how to do some of it yourself or find someone who you can trust and put everything down on paper. if it were me , I would have already had it out of there the minute I saw him screwing someone else around.

I have done a lot of my own work on this project. You can check out the build thread. The only thing I don't really do is welding and precise metal work. Otherwise, I have been in this thing with both hands from the beginning. But I appreciate the sentiment.

Do yourself a favor get your car out of DODGE what he is doing is :wack:be careful this guy sounds like a piece of work.I would go unannounced to get the car hint hint, or would you rather him hold a lean on it.

I don't think he can put a lien on my car since he actually owes me for work that has already been paid for. That is the hardest lesson I have learned from this experience.