Stock vs. steel vs. aluminum main caps

For 550-600 hp, I wouldn't think they'd necessary for a streeter. I'll be interested what smarter folks have to say.

btw, what ever happened to the early Valiant. I enjoyed watching the progress of that.

I plan to race, beat, flog, and terrorize the public streets with my next build! I want a bullet proof bottom end. Picture the last engine you plan to build! A street war machine! That is what I want! I want people to be dazzled by my pretty paint and shiny **** then see me run and wonder wtf just happened! Come hell or high water I'm gonna embarrass people and do what can't be done! I'm taking back the streets for mother mopar! My collar is blue as the ocean and my dreams as big as the known Galaxy! Fasten your seat belts kids! I'm goin to push the limits and achieve my dreams! I work my hands bloody to make my fantasy reality! It's gonna take time but my home built crap is gonna run hard and shed tears! So what caps guys? Pretty simple lol