Debbie Stole the Dashpot from the Cookie Jar!

EL5DEMON340, thanks, I was just about to update this post to say a slog thru the parts cattledogs shows that (short, Carter) dashpot being used not only on the BBS but also the BBD and a variety of 4bbls including AVS and AFB.

66340SEDAN said have the best and most entertaining ads ever!

Aw, knock it off one time; you're only sayin' that 'cause it's true!

I wish you the best of luck

Thanks. I've got a mountain of parts and literature—not to mention the car—collected over many years, to find new homes for; there are bills to pay. That, and I don't want to leave a mess for other people to have to clean up if I get hit by a truck tomorrow (so the truck will just have to wait til Saturday at the earliest).

Back to the dashpots at hand:

do you know what year these are correct for?

Respectively: Carter BBS (if equipped with dashpot), all years—looks like BBD, AFB, AVS, and others, too; Holley 1920 (if equipped with dashpot) all years—looks like 1945 and others, too.

The purpose of the dashpot is to slow down the last few degrees of throttle closure to avoid "wet flash" in the intake manifold when you yank your foot off the accelerator—that's when the air's suddenly shut off because the throttle plates slam shut, causing a temporary rich-mixture spike, which causes herky-jerky behaviour if the car has a manual transmission and you haven't stepped on the clutch. It also causes a spike in exhaust emissions, which eventually started mattering and needing prevented even on cars with automatic transmissions.

unless you also have your fingers in the cookie jar

Hey, shaddup, I can quit any time I wanna!

(Actually, this is all a bunch of bulk wrap; I just like to say "dashpot".)