Pulling the Plug on Body Man

I do work "on the side" too. I've had a Super Bee in the garage for almost a year. There are weeks I work 30-40hrs on it, and weks I don't even turn on the lights. I said a year and it will go a month or two past I'm sure. But all that being said - I track the hours. He hasn't paid me for any labor beyond 50% of the original estimate - only materials and shop supplies. The estimate has more than doubled, and I'm at the 80% completed mark. So he owes me a bit. But he calls and stops in fairly randomly and I send him pictures. You need to have a relationship with the guy working on your car. Might be friends, but should b business, then firends. Regardless it has to work for both of you because once that falls apart he won't want to work on it, and you won't want to pay him. At that point - just pull it and move on.