HS Class Reunion poll

my last reruinion would have been 10 years back in 2005. my cousin had just finished making an old 2 story farm house into a hunting lodge. everyone said it was something to see. he did all the work on it himself. he died of Cancer a couple of months BEFORE the reunion. this was back in SW Ga and i'm in Missouri. 1000 mi trip. I couldn't afford the trip. if he had not died, I would have made it somehow, but....

funny how life is??? back in high school I wasn't one of the "ones". worked after school and all day sat. at A and P Supermarket. my parents were not exactly " affluent". no going down to the local burger joint after school for bs. off the my piddly job. not a "school" joc, my interest was horses. not in the Beta club, not one of the " smart" kids, but the first one to graduate from college. ( OK so it was an ag degree! LOL)....
small school. my class was 66 kids. I knew everyone obviously, had a few I called good friends. it was just a part of my life I lived thru. the good memories I made for myself had nothing to do with that school.