Which Wideband???

I've been running the AEM UEGO in my car since 2011 and have been more than pleased. I like that the sensor never needs calibration. Even with the AEM if you think the sensor is bad you can test it easily to make sure it's reading correctly. It's a simple test using a rag soaked in brake clean to make the sensor read full rich, then remove the rag to make it read full lean. Easy peasy.

For a while I ran both the AEM and an Innovate gauge borrowed from a friend. I wanted to see if there was a difference in the a/f reading between banks (no significant difference seen). The one thing I noticed is how much I don't like the readout on the Innovate. It's blue like the one you're looking at. During the day it's fine but at night it's like a bright blue beacon in my dash and I usually wound placing a towel or something in front of it. It lit up my whole car. Ridiculous.