Hellcats not impressed..

What's wrong with less plastic(s)?

The Crop Duster is great...You cannot compare two cars between them are 40 years and $ 60.000.-

The comparison with the Bugatti is better...

How about go the other way? A base 2015 Mustang is a pretty good all around musclecar for $23,000 or maybe even a little less brand new. 305 hp for 1/3 or 1/4 the price of the 707 hp Hellcat. Best thing is you can just rent one and beat the hell out of it!
Anybody that can even afford the Mustang as a toy let alone the Hellcat in this economy is doing pretty well. I'm pretty happy with a $11,000 used Hemi Aspen that actually does everything in need a vehicle to do pretty well.