Exhaust port porting?

Yes - remove the wedge. Don't make it wider. Don't revise the roof or bowl. Just take out the lip. It's less of an issue with boost but as IQ said - a better flowing port will only help with any boost, and if it's a turbo, the smaller, hotter, and faster you keep the port the faster boost will develop. There is a HUGE difference between "best flowing" and most efficient. They are not the same animal. Best flowing on a bench, any bench, may not be very efficient. Three reasons for this are you have to flow it backwards, the material moving through the port is not exhaust gasses but standard atmosphere at ambient air temp and full of water, and last you're not pushing the gasses at 1300psi - you're sucking at 10" or 28" of mercury. IMO the exhaust port is best shaped in relation to the percentage of intake flow needed. Flow benches are much better at predicting the intake flow although the lower the test pressure the more vague the result.